Workers' rights are almost impossible in a country where democratic practices are extinct.


1.What message do you want to convey to the workers on the 134th International Workers' Day that fall in 2024 May Day?

To continue to hold on to the spirit that we must fight for our rights.

2. What are the local and abroad Burmese workers facing?

All workers working in Myanmar or abroad are facing many difficulties and challenges due to the current political situation. Local workers are currently receiving almost the lowest wages in the world and are suffering the effects of extremely high commodity prices. They are working in excessive working hours and malnourished while being oppressed. In addition, their stress is at its peak due to the law on compulsory military service, and the corruption of ward/village administrators and targeting the most basic class and force conscripting them to make finding the finding an outlet with most tragic ways. Those who go abroad legally via agencies may comfortable for certain consideration but those who illegally are arrested, prisoned and having to work in 3D jobs. Even the workers who go by agencies are suffering from financial issues that are more than necessary due to the devaluation of Myanmar Kyat, and the excessive corruption of local department, and they are also facing financial fraud by local/foreign brokers.

3. How the May Day ceremony of Myanmar workers is celebrated under the military dictatorship?

Currently, there are no conditions under which unions can celebrate may Day according to their groups. The Ministry of Labor invites trade unions to for show events, and most unions do not want to attend.

4. What did the workers lose due to covid and coup d'état?

Due to the fact that the coup d'état happened at the same time as the Covid era, the number of unemployed people, violence by various ways in the workplace, trafficking, food shortages, physical and mental break down increased extremely high. 

5. Do you think that the goals of self-sufficient and fair wages and good working conditions are still far away for Myanmar workers?

It's just moving to the farthest every day.

6. What kind of perception do workers need to fight to get labor rights?

Labor rights are very much based on democracy. In a country where democracy and democratic practices are forbitten, labor rights seems almost hopeless. So, if we want to fully enjoy labor rights, we must first make an effort together to restore a true democratic system. We must fight the systems groups that are against the democratic system with every ways we could.

7. What are the May Day demands that should continue to hold?

A comfortable wage, decent working hours and safe and secure workplace must be continued to held as May Day demands. We must continue to fight and make an effort to revive a true democratic system.

Thank you.

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