We must fight with May Day’s mindset and perception


By Yoon Sat - May 01, 2024

A worker losing their rights means the working class is being violated. Let me reference Thakhin Phoe Hla Gyi’s quote. “Mates, the battle to improve your lives has begun. This fight is not just for the rights of one person but for the struggles of all workers like you.” As like this we need to fight with May Day’s mindset and perception.

A worker (Member of a Trade Union)

1. What message do you want to convey to the workers on May Day, the 134th International Labor Day that will fall in 2024?

Welcome from May Day, the 134th International Labor Day that will fall in 2024. In addition, we pay our respects to the great martyrs who fought for labor rights throughout the ages, the labor leaders who passed away fighting for labor rights in the current Spring Revolution, and the labor leaders who are imprisoned. Today's answer will be from my own thoughts and perspective. May all workers be healthy. I would like to send a message to them that they may be freed from the disasters as soon as possible and I want to encourage them not to disappoint but to strengthened.

2. What are the Burmese workers who are currently at Myanmar and abroad facing?

There are two types of workers who go abroad: those who went legally through the MoU system, and those who went illegally. Those who come legally under the MoU system come with a contract, but due to the agency's lack of responsibility, they face miss workplace problems which is not inline with the contract. There are problems with salary and accommodation. Due to the current political situation, foreign employers are suppressing migrant workers. Illegal workers have a hard time finding work due to not having necessary documents. Employers don't want to hire them. They are also financially scammed by brokers. They have to run away from the police and make colorful documents. Workers who came from Myanmar will struggle a lot for about two years because of travel and documents expenses. Therefore, if the politics are stable or if the relations between the two countries are comfortable, I would like to request the Ministry of Labor to provide legal status and improve wages for the foreign workers.

(3) In what ways are the Myanmar workers' May Day currently being celebrated under the military dictatorship?

Myanmar workers' May Day ceremonies are currently no longer possible under the military dictatorship. The May Day ceremony is held by the military dictator, it will be a fake show. But other organizations, are celebrating in various ways depending where they are. I also celebrate Revolutionary May Day every year online.

(4) What did the workers lose due to covid and coup d'état?

During the covid period, factories were closed. As employers pay workers lower wages, workers lose more rights. On the other hand, workers are even more stressed due to the increase in commodity prices. At the same time, the employers joined forces with the military after the military coup d'état, and began to exploit more on the workers. They bring more opportunities. The arrests and murders of labor leaders demanding labor rights have not only resulted in workers losing their labor rights, but also losing their human rights and civil rights.

(5) Do you think that the goals of self-sufficient, fair wages and good working conditions are still far away for Myanmar workers?

Adequate and decent wages and good working conditions are the goals and laws of that our country established before the coup. The policies and laws are good, but those who in charge are not.

(6). What challenges and difficulties are Myanmar workers facing after the current military coup?

Currently, Myanmar workers are experiencing labor rights violations by their employers, and there is no government mechanism that can solve these problems fairly. The current regime is not on the side of the workers. The workers don’t have labor organizations to ask for help on the loss of their labor rights, so they only can care about their survival, which make them suffer psychologically.

7. What kind of perception do working classes need to fight to get labor rights?

We will face many problems as workers until we own our business. Under the title of employer and employee, we have to face problems due to various reasons. If we encounter something like that, we need to be brave and honest and solve it without running away. A worker losing their rights means the working class is being violated. Let me reference Thakhin Phoe Hla Gyi’s quote. “Mates, the battle to improve your lives has begun. This fight is not just for the rights of one person but for the struggles of all workers like you.” As like this we need to fight with May Day’s mindset and perception.

8. What are the May Day demands that should be held on to?

The May Day demands that must continue to be held are 1. Self-sufficient and decent wages in line with foreign countries. 2. To allow to form labor organizations freely. 3. To protect human rights. We will be able to achieve true rule of law and implement the demands of the workers only when the dictatorship falls quickly. So, the workers, the people, and every citizen need to work together until the end of this revolution.

(9). Is there anything you would like to add.

Everyone is trying in various ways to cut the roots of this Spring Revolution and the evil dictatorship. The new government and the new future will be welcomed by the working class. We want a new government that will have both good people and morals. Be aware that workers are not fodder to be trodden down by businessmen and politicians. Therefore, on behalf of the workers, I would like to request that when the new country is re-established, only the right people should be placed and the practical implementation should be carried out.

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