Workers’ representative Daw Phyo Sanda Soe will make a presentation and discussion at the ILO Governing Body Conference on imposing comprehensive sanctions on the Junta’s violations


By Hsu Latt Phyu - Jun 11, 2024

Workers’ representative Daw Phyo Sanda Soe will make a presentation and discussion at the International Labor Organization (ILO) conference currently being held in order to take action and complete sanctions against murder, arrests, imprisonments, forced labor and labor rights violations committed by the Junta.

The Deputy General Secretary of the Confederation of Trade Unions, Myanmar (CTUM), Daw Phyo Sanda Soe was selected as a Worker Deputy Member for the Governing Body of the International Labor Organization (ILO) for the term of 2024-2027.

The 112th International Labor Conference (ILC) being held in Geneva, Switzerland from June 3 to 14, 202 and the international governments, the employers and employees’ representatives are in discussion.

A tripartite party (government, employer, employee) led by NUG from Myanmar submitted nominations and Daw Phyo Sanda Soe attended as a representative of the Myanmar Labor Organization. It was presented and discussed at the conference in order to completely block the flow of income from the self-interested economy of the military council and the purchase of murderous weapons among the ways to eradicate the dictatorship, so that international countries can take economic sanctions as soon as possible.

According to the ILO investigation team’s investigation on September 22 the Junta murdered more than 4,000 people; and arrested nearly 26,000. She was able to confirm with evidence that Myanmar signed the ILO Convention 87 on the right to freedom of association and ILO Convention 29 on coercion and blatantly violated the provisions of the ILO that Myanmar will adhere to and creating actions that force the workers into modern-day slavery.

Daw Phyo Sanda Soe, who is representing Myanmar's labor force, will make a presentation and discussion to the ILO conference to implement all economic sanctions against the Junta’s violations according to Article 33.

On the morning of June 10th in Geneva, at the Broken Chair location in the UN building, the ILO held a campaign to "To fight for the overthrow of the military as there will be absolutely no labor rights in Myanmar under the military dictatorship, to accelerate the elimination of the Junta, support the submission of economic sanctions against the flow of military income under Article 33 for the violations of labor rights by the Military Council, which was approved by the Commission of Inquiry last year."

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