Vegetables raising exponentially, becoming difficult for the basic people to afford


By Hanthar Hein - Jun 17, 2024

According to the vegetable stalls in the market, the prices are much higher than before. Due to the increase in the prices, it is difficult for the basic people to afford the vegetables that they used to buy infrequently. 

During the last winter, seasonal crops were brought in much amount into the market, but due to lack of demand, the prices fell, the farmers face loss, and as there was no cost of cultivation for the next planting season, some farmers said that their income was low because as they don’t plant anything this year.

"Tomato price was only 300 or 400 kyats per peik tha (1.63kg) in last season. The farmers doesn’t even get the harvesting wages. There is no buyers to buy cabbage and the farmers doesn’t harvest any them anymore. The arrival of goods is less and the price is much higher than before in this season,'' said an owner of a greengrocer's stall at Thiri Mingalar Market.

Due to the high price of vegetables, traders are having difficulty for less demand, and consumers are also having difficulty affording vegetables due to the high price.

In addition, it is reported that the price is more than half in the harvesting area and Yangon market due to transportation difficulties.

“A peik tha of tomato cost 3,200 kyats or 3,700 kyats and a cabbage cost 3,800 kyats in Aung Ban. However, the time cannot be predicted due to the lack of traffic in the area, road damage during the rainy season, etc. Vegetables are also perishable, and the sellers set such a price because it is only the convenient way for them. In the end, whatever the reason, the consumer suffers, and the consumer is affected by the high price,” said a greengrocer's stall owner at Aung Ban. 

The situation is leading to food crises for the people due to domestic political instability, economic decline, transportation and caused high prices.

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