More than 2,000 labours at LAT WAR (3) garment factory are being violated upon their rights.


According to the labours, more than 2,000 labours at the LAT WAR (3) garment factory which locate in Seik Kan Thar Street, Industrial Zone (2), Hlaing Thar Yar Township, Yangon are being violated.

The garment factory was opened more than (1) years ago, and there are days when the working hours are (8) am to 6:30 pm (2 hours overtime) and there are days when the labours work overtime (3 hours) and also the days where they work all night and all light with the ground of the fabric order importance.

“Working all light reach until the next day morning. They forced us to work all light 4 or 5 days continuously. We have health issues such as vomiting and fainting for that,” said the labour.

It is reported that the factory is owned by a Chinese national, employs more than 2,000 labours and manufactures brands such as REGATTA, KAPALUA, and has formed a Work Coordination Committee (WCC) without a trade union organization.

When called for overtime, labours have to work whether they want to or not, he said.

There are no lounges for labours who work overtime, and asking twice the standard even the prior is reached. It doesn’t have a normal format for the fabric standards and the Supers, Line Leaders and clerks swear and yell the labours, said by the labour.

Pregnant workers are not asked to do works that relieves them but force for the same records as ordinary workers, and they say that pregnant women didn’t allow to get the gate pass even if they are sick.

In addition, the labour also said that they are not allowed to take the days off that they are entitled to. "There is no enough cough relieve medicine in a medical clinic where there are more than 2,000 labours. 20 out of 40 toilets in the factory are broken and have not fixed yet. Even if we go to the toilet, the supervisors yell at us," said a labour working in the factory.

Although 26th 27th and 28th of Octobers are Tha Din Kyut holidays the employers will close from 26th to 30th but 26th and 27th which are not officially entitled will have to replace by the September 24th where the labours work on Sunday and October 15th Sunday where they have to do the same.

Those who don't show up on Sunday have been informed that the professional fee will be reduced to (2) levels, and the Great A person will only get C level. It is reported that the overtime work on the 23rd was only paid for 2 hours, and the remaining 4 hours of work were not paid but made to sign and print fingerprints due to day replacement.

As a result of the above violations, the labours are suffering a lot and feel that their rights are being violated. So that the labours want to request the following points because they are suffering from coercion.

The appeals are –

  1. To survey the labours desire upon calling the overtime and to let go of the labours who don’t want to work.
  2.  To request only possible fabric standards.
  3.  To ask pregnant women only in a comfortable place and not to ask for fabric goals.
  4. To allow you to enjoy vacation days and to provide easy access of the gate pass in case of health or emergency.
  5. To prevent the Supers, Leaders and clerks from shouting and swearing the labours, and if they do, to take them actions according to the factory rules.
  6. To repair the toilets.
  7. To appoint a doctor at the factory clinic and to provide sufficient medicines as there are more than 2,000 labours.
  8. To pay the overtime (4) hours worked on Saturday since Sunday was given instead of two (2) days for the Tha Din Kyut day off.

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