The Junta steps towards wage exploitation


“Labours from our factory transfer through an agent”, said by Ko Wunna, (pseudonym) a labour from a seafood factory of Thailand. He has been working in Thailand for more than 10 years.

The labours transfer their wages to Myanmar by agents. Others labours are also the same with him.

The method of transferring through an agent has been Myanmar migrants’ favor as it saves time, delivers straightly to home and easy to reach in emergency financial needs.

“Some transfer through Wave Pay and K Pay. They are different only about 20 THB from Bank rates. Suppose that 1000 THB equals to 100,000 MMK. It cost more 10 THB to transfer from bank. 30 THB from Wave Pay and K Pay. 20 THB for direct transaction through the account.”, Ko Wunna state about the current transact situations happening.

This is the current situation of Myanmar migrate workers in Thailand’s transfer methods.

The situation exists even the pre coup area and most of Myanmar migrate general workers in abroad use this illegal transaction methods also known as Hun Di method.

For right now, the SAC in need of foreign currency is preparing the steps to control the abroad migrant workers. 

Recently as per expressed in VOA news, SAC’s subordinate Ministry of Labour has outlined that Myanmar migrant workers in foreign to transfer 25 percentage of their wages by legal methods and having an internal discussion about that.

The ministry has not announced the time period when this specification will come into effect. This is the steps to get foreign money by the SAC’s subordinate ministry of labour.

Most youths left the family and home land to go to work at abroad because of job scares, income-expenses disproportionate, Kyat depreciation and can’t tolerate the oppressions of Junta forces. 

It seems to be a place of escape for them but the Junta right now is preparing to control things.

“As far as I know, the banks’ transfer rates have a huge gab with the on-ground rates. Would we get the on-ground rates if we transfer 25 percentage they said. I don’t think so. Its just to exploitive those who are in abroad.”, said by Ko Lin Lin (pseudonym) who is working in Malaysia.

The news that 25 percent of the salary have to be transfer back through the legal method is becoming a topic among expatriate Myanmar workers. 

Although the news about how the legal transaction would be operated by bank or through a private company has not known yet, it seems to be a warning for expatriate labours.

“It is not easy for us to go to bank. Also, a lot of rules exists for cash out such as unable in weekends and delays. Honde only takes a day and deliver through home. So that we can trust. Could they serve the same. Would they give with on-ground rates. I think they would make it unfairly by saying its mandatory. 

Right now, the Junta is starting to lunch a new transfer method which can be seen as a step towards legal transaction in Thailand. 

The Myanmar Embassy in Thailand introduced a new a new transfer method that is not from the bank for Myanmar labours working in Thailand in August 9.

The service is called “Dee Money” and it can be used in mobile phones as an application.

The users could transfer 10,000,000 MMK and its equivalent THB in a day. It will cost 49 THB for a single transaction and daily currency price changes would be displayed.

The Myanmar Embassy in Thailand also expressed they would help on ground at factories and workshops for every labour to be able to use and provide a service at the embassy in office days.

This is a new method to approach the transfer service.

The services are expressed but the things that labours really wants to know; would they get as on-ground rates and home delivery services are not expressed yet. 

The Junta’s subordinate Embassy introduced a new transfer method but mandatory or not is not stated yet but would have compulsions in the future.

“I don’t like it especially the things it seems we would be supporting them the foreign income. If they say if you don’t want to just come back, its not easy for us. We don’t get paid as here in Myanmar. It looks like they are trying to slay us even in abroad.”, said by Ma Thander who is working in Thailand.

Currently the international is trying to pressure for the restrictions of foreign income flowing to the Junat so that they are trying several methods to recover that.

The SAC’s subordinate Minister of Labour is trying to take foreign income from abroad labours while they can’t take care the labours whose rights are being violated in local.

Working in abroad as a way to liberate as rights are violated and oppressed in home land is also would be pressured in the Junta rule.  

A May Su (Daw Aung San Su Kyi) came until Thailand for labours rights in her rule. But for now, we are going to be exploited without doing anything for our interests.” The words of Ma Thander highlighting the gap between two different periods of rule.


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