SAC’s facilitate retirement for Minister of Labour who was sanctioned by US and EU


The junta has granted a prompt retirement to Minister of Labour - Dr. Pwint San and other ministers who were sanctioned by the European Union.

The junta announced in the evening of 2nd August night that four ministers including Minister of Labour - Dr. Pwint San, Minister of Religious Affairs and Culture – U Ko Ko, Minister of Electric Power - U Thaung Han, Minister of Energy – U Myo Myint and also Auditor General and the Presidents of Anti-Corruption Commission and Myanmar National Human Rights Commission have been approved for retirements. 

The SAC approved the retirements for the ministers within days after extending the term of state of emergency and also for U Maung Ko and Dr Aung Kyaw Min who were the SAC members.

In the last June, the junta forces arrested 8 labours from 2 factories and 2 people from supporting team for asking for the wages that matches with the commodity prices, during the region of Minister of Labour Dr. Pwint San. The Ministry of Labour refuse that by saying they were not arrested by asking the fair wages although they had been detained for about 2 months. 

Two more members of the supporting team were also detained in July and there are also hearsays about 10 more labours were detained too. 

Furthermore, U Thet Hnin Aung, general secretary of a trade union MICs is detained until now although he had served the complete term of imprisonment

Dr. Pwint San was let go a few days before his tenure of 1 year as he took up the duties as Minister of Labor in August 19th 2022. He is the one who also served as the Minister of Commerce as soon as the military coup occurred. He was sanctioned by the United States during that period.

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