Feng Teng Garment Denies Statutory Leave and Cuts Entitlements


By Min Ni Kyaw - Dec 19, 2024

Workers at Feng Teng Garment factory, located at the Hlaing Thar Yar Industrial Zone, report that the factory is not granting statutory leave as mandated by law, and is instead deducting entitlements for absences.

“They don’t give leave like medical leave or casual leave. They don’t allow any type of leave. They don’t pay daily wages, attendance bonus, or skilled allowances if we miss a day. They fire us if we miss three days. There are even workers who have been dismissed this way. Some people stop coming to work entirely after hearing about the terminations,” workers said.

Female workers shared that the factory deducts 7,800 MMK for daily wages, 15,000 MMK for attendance bonus, and between 25,00030,000 MMK for skilled allowances for each day of absence, and that no statutory leave is granted to any worker. Workers who refuse to work overtime face threats of being excluded from overtime shifts in the future or are dismissed at 4:30 p.m., they added.

“They force us to work overtime although we don’t want to. And for those of us who say no, they threaten us by saying they won’t let us work any overtime on future days. Sometimes we don’t work overtime because we’re tired, sometimes because of family matters or other reasons. But we feel it’s unfair and detrimental to us when they say they’ll exclude us from overtime shifts in the future,” one worker explained.

The factory’s regular working hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., but currently, workers are required to work overtime until 6:30 p.m. or 8:30 p.m., without being given any breaks from the lunch break at 12:30 p.m. until the end of the overtime shifts, workers reported.

“There’s not even a 5-minute break from 12:30 to 6:30 or even to 8:30. we get scolded if we have snacks during the overtime period when we’re hungry. Additionally, they make us start work five minutes early whether during the lunch break or the start of the workday. Sometimes they rush us to eat breakfast quickly, saying, ‘Eat fast, hurry up!’ when the transportation is late,” workers said.

Male workers at the factory reported being required to unload cargo from containers regardless of the size of the shipment.

“Other factories usually hire outside workers to unload materials from containers. But here, the male workers always have to do it whether it’s unloading containers, raw materials, or any finished packaged goods. They make us unload everything regardless of whether the container is small or large. They don’t hire extra people to help even when there’s a lot to unload,” said one male worker.

The factory does not employ an on-site nurse, and workers face challenges accessing medicine. They are required to visit the office to request medication, which is often unavailable, workers said.

“When we sweat a lot and ask for electrolyte powder, they question us, asking why we need it. They say, ‘We’ll only give it to you if it’s really necessary.’ They often say it’s unavailable or out of stock,” said a female worker.

In July, after reports about Feng Teng Garment appeared on Myanmar Labour News, factory officials summoned some workers for questioning in the office, workers disclosed. However, the questioning was conducted in the office, which workers felt did not provide a free environment for them to speak openly.

“They trained the selected workers beforehand. When the inspection came, they called in those who had been coached. Then, workers were scared they’d lose their jobs because it was held in the office. And so, the inspection passed without any changes being made at the factory,” workers explained.

The Feng Teng Garment factory is located on Sabal Road, Industrial Zone 5, Hlaing Thar Yar Township, Yangon. It is owned by Chinese national and employs over 500 workers to manufacture ERC brand garments. Workers reported in July that there is no trade union established at the factory.

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