Domestic workers are still not legally recognized as workers


By Min Ni Kyaw - Jun 16, 2024

June 16 is Domestic Workers Day.

The International Labor Organization (ILO) enacted Convention 189 (189 for Decent Work for Domestic Workers) in 2011 and designated on June 16 as International Domestic Workers Day.

Domestic workers around the world joined together to fight for the implementation of International Law Convention 189 for domestic workers

In 2022, there are 76 million domestic workers around the world, and 76 percent of them are women, according to the ILO. Most of the world's domestic workers, 62.2 million (82 percent) work in developing and emerging countries, while 13.4 million works in developed countries.

According to a 2019 report on Myanmar's laws on domestic workers, Myanmar's domestic workers are being exploited financially by brokers, adopters and close relatives.

In addition, most domestic workers in Myanmar are under the age of 25. Some domestic workers under the age of 18 are experiencing emotional harm from sexually assaulted, physically harmed, not getting full wages, not being able to see their family regularly, not getting free time, lack of personal freedom, verbally abused and being bullied, the report also stated.

Those helping domestic workers said that Myanmar has not signed ILO Convention 189 and the labor laws that have been enacted do not provide general protection for domestic workers, so they are still facing difficulties.

 Therefore, Myanmar Labor News has contacted a training school that provide the current situation and needs of domestic workers, skills training to domestic workers about the attitudes necessary to have both sides. 

Q. Please explain in full what you are doing to help the domestic workers.

A. We provide quality training (for example, communication and domestic work, health and safety for domestic workers, important personal health in domestic work, basic cookery training, first aid training, sharing information for the safe migration of migrant domestic workers). We hold women's meetings monthly. We go to the communities and show them how to migrate safely.  We conducted discussions to comfort domestic workers who returned from migration and difficulties. Financial support is provided if necessary.

Q. What do you see as the difference between local domestic workers and foreign domestic workers?

A.   They are differing in wages and rights.  Local domestic workers still do not have any labor rights and care. For example, domestic workers in Thailand receive minimum wages, 8 hour working hours and maternity leave are already available. Not having legal protection is a big difference.

Q. What are the main difficulties faced by domestic workers in the country?

A. They don't get proper job opportunities. Wages are low. They don't have the right to enjoy leave and free time. Worst of all, domestic workers in the country are still not recognized as workers by law.

Q. Are domestic workers not covered by labor laws in Myanmar?

A. Myanmar's labor law completely excludes and does not cover domestic workers. 

Q. Can domestic workers in Myanmar get legal protection and rights?

A. Domestic workers are entitled to the same labor rights as other workers. But the current politics and economic conditions are still far from achieving such rights for domestic workers. 

Q. If the laws do not apply to domestic workers, what should be done between employer and domestic workers?

A. An mutual understanding and positive working environment should be created between the employer and domestic workers. Both workers and employers follow the points included in Decent Employment Provisions No. 189 established by the ILO for domestic workers.

Q. Domestic workers in Myanmar still do not have the legal labor rights according to the labor law. What needs to be changed?

A.   It is necessary to spread knowledge to the public to know that domestic help work is a good job. In particular, it is important for employers to know that a domestic worker is an employee.

Q. It is also said that there are problems between domestic workers and employers because of the agents. What do you think about this?

A. The government should take strict action against fraudulent agents. Employers and domestic workers should not listen to everything brokers say. Employer should carefully select the worker based on their needs. The employment contract that should be signed between the worker and employer should be carefully negotiated and discussed.

Q. Under the current situations, how should landlords treat domestic workers? How do you think the domestic workers should be prepared?

A.  Employers need to recognize domestic workers as workers. Labor rights should be given. As workers, they need the skills and knowledge to do their jobs. They should clearly understand the responsibilities. If they respect each other and value each other. There is less conflicts and can reduce stress. Good working conditions can be created.

Q. Please tell me a memorable speech for International Domestic Workers Day.

A.    Domestic work is decent job and domestic workers are workers. As workers, it is necessary for them to enjoy rights and legal protection together with other workers.

Q.  If you have any information to add, please add it.

A.    The main objective of the training school is to develop a law related to domestic workers in Myanmar. Therefore, the training school and the Domestic Workers Association will continue to campaign for better working conditions for domestic workers and the emergence of a domestic worker law.

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