5 states and divisions may experience hotter weather


By Hsu Latt Phyu - Apr 27, 2024

Directorate of Meteorology and Hydrology announced on April 25 that Nay Pyi Daw Adminstritive zone, Lowe Sagaing Division, Mandalay Division, Magwe Divison and Shan State may experience the increase in temperature within two days.

It has rained a little in some states and regions, including Shan State in the past 24 hours and daytime temperatures have risen to a maximum of 5 degrees Celsius above the average temperature of April.

According to the statement, the lower Sagaing division was 5 degrees Celsius above the average temperature of April, the upper Sagaing division, Mandalay division, Magway division, Tanintharyi divison and Southern Shan State were 3 degrees Celsius to 4 degrees Celsius hotter than the average temperature of April. The rest such as Nay Pyi Taw Administrative zone, Bago division, Irrawaddy division, Kachin State, Shan 

State, Eastern Chin State, Rakhine State, Kayah State, Karen State, and Mon State, were 2 degrees Celsius higher than the average temperature of April, and the rest of the regions had an average temperature.

"Its hotter than last year. Elderly people suffer more. It's worse when the electricity went out. I am nearly dying. It's too hot. I don't want to go out unless it is necessary. But for work, we are having to go so,” said a resident from Yangon Division.

On April 24th, a man in Chan Ayethazan Township, Mandalay Division fainted due to high body temperature while queuing for cooking oil.

Yesterday, the directorate of Meteorology and Hydrology announced the unusual daytime temperatures occurred in April 24. The list includes Chauk Township from Magway Division which reached 46.2 degree Celsius, Myingyan Township from Mandalay Division which reached 45.5 degree Celsius, Myinmu Township from Sagaing Division which reached 45 degree Celsius, Gangaw Township from Magway Division which reached 44.6 degree Celsius, Nyaung Oo Township from Magwe Division which reached 44.5 degree Celsius, Monywa reached 44.3 degree Celsius,  Shwe Bo reached 44 degree Celsius, Hsin Phyu Kyun reached 43.9 degree Celsius, Tada-U and Pakokku reached 43.5 degree Celsius.

Among these high temperature towns, the temperature of Chauk, Magway Division within the last 24 hours was ranked 4th in the list of the 15 hottest cities in the world, according to the temperature measurements of the World Meteorological Center on April 25.

Furthermore, the temperature may still rise in  Magway Division, Sagaing Division, Mandalay Division, Nay Pyi Taw Administrative Zone and Bago Division, according to weather forecaster U Win Naing's

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