Xiang Rong factory manager intimidate the workers with police and military


By Min Ni Kyaw - Aug 20, 2024

Workers from Xaing Rong  (XR Sports Myanmar Co.,Ltd) factory said that their manager intimidate them with police and military during their protest for 1,000 kyats subsidy on July 19, 2024.

 “We stopped the work to request the 1,000 kyats subsidy. The factory said the helpers and light machine seamstresses will be given 6,500 kyats and heavy machine seamstress will be raised to 7,200 kyats from 7,000. The workers want the full 1,000 kyats subsidy,” a worker explained.

The factory manufactures bags and workers who handle heavy machines are given 7,000 kyats for their need of efficient afford. Workers ask for subsidy starting on August in accordance with the ministry’s instruction.

Workers stopped protesting when the factory manager said that they would pay the police and military to arrest them. Furthermore, it is also said that labor officers visited to the factory on August 16, 2024 due to overtime complaints but no action was taken.

Workers said that they were called two night overtime and one Sunday overtime in August and they are also being violated by being reset their length of service for taking leave more than 5 days. “We don’t get medical and casual leave if our length of service is reset,” the worker said.

Workers said that the working hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and they are working continuously for 6 hours since after the lunch without a break. The factory also make strict rules regarding about workers rights to use the restrooms.

“They force us continuously for 6 hours without providing any food. We were warned 3 times verbally if we go out to buy food and have to sign warning on the fourth time. We will be also taken action if we use restroom without card. It is not fair,” a worker said.

Myanmar Labour News also received XR Sports Myanmar Co.,Ltd factory’s unsanitary toilets and the workers also said that the litter are also thrown near the dinning area and causing odors.

XR Sports Myanmar Co.,Ltd  factory locates at Shwe Lin Ban Industrial Zone and owned by a Chinese national. The factory is manufacturing Sakura and Olympia brands bags with around 500 workers.

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