Workers suffering from North Shore garment factory’s pressurizing and usage of power


By Min Ni Kyaw - Aug 27, 2024

Workers from North Shore (NorthShore Group) garment factory said that one of the HR stuffs is suppressing them by exhibiting of power.

Workers said the HR clerk is verbally abusing and pressurizing the workers including the young-senior workers in a factory with 300 workforces.

“They raise their town towards the young-senior workers. They pressurize them all day no matter what they are doing,” said a worker.

Workers said they feel sorry for the workers who were verbally abused and raised toned by the HR clerk.

The 25 years old stuff moved to the HR department 3 months ago and workers from all departments are being scolded by them.“Even the manager and HR in charge don’t dare to act like her towards the workers. But they verbally abuse both female and male workers. The victims feel embarrassed as they don’t commit big mistakes,” they said.

A factory worker said that the general workers are also being treated the same. Those who were most suffered from the HR clerks are workers from janitorial, security, storage, packing and mechanic departments.

“Workers tolerated due to concerns about their job stability as the clerk is from the office. Male workers feel embarrassed for being humiliated in the public. This is discrimination from someone who is given power. It feels disrespecting towards the colleges,” said a male worker.

There is a box where they can put suggestion letters for the factory but the complaints about the HR clerk are not addressed.

North Shore Group owned factory locates at Pathein Thee Thant Industrial Zone, Kinmalin Kyun, Pathein and the owner is a Taiwanese national.

The workers inform Myanmar Labour News that the factory is manufacturing VAUDE, Schoffel and BERGAN brands apparels.

The factory had been reported by Myanmar Labour News for verbally abusing, physically assaulting and discriminating of the supervisors, forcing the seamstress to do janitorial workers every hour, making the female workers to move the machines, forcing overtime and punishing for refusing overtime.

It is also learnt that a young lady resigned due to embarrassment after being physically assaulted in the workplace on October 19, 2023.

Workers informed that there were no actions in the workplace although the labour officers came to inspect due to the complaints.

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