Workers are not informed their data being collected via by the factories


By Yoon Sat - Aug 30, 2024

It is said that workers not informed their data being collected via by the factories and workshops.

“Workers are not informed anything. I think only them and the HR are conducting,” said a worker from Hlaing Thar Yar Industrial Zone.

Factory owners in industrial zones of Yangon are instructed to list the personal information and statistics of the workers working in their factories and submit by the end of August.

“I heard that they are collecting for data from workers but I want to know weather they would use the data to know workers between the age that they can conscript or for the census. That’s the only two things possible. Some workers afraid as the rumors say that it is for conscription. But most even don’t know. They are processing without informing them,” said a local and abroad labor activist.

It is said that data enumeration is done to facilitate the census work and factories and workshops can also easily sort the workers list as workers have to give their list for labour cards before they are hired.

“I heard that our factory has finished enumerating. But they told nothing to us. We heard that the factory have to give 50 workers if need so we are afraid,” said a female seamstress.

There are news saying that Industrial Zone Management Committee is instructed to factories in Hlaing Thar Yar to enumerate the data of workers and submit by the end of August and the same process will be repeated for other townships.

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