SAC’s Ministry of Labour announced that forced labor can be reported


By Hanthar Hein - Aug 21, 2024

SAC’s Ministry of Labour announced on August 21 that forced labor can be reported to National Forced Complaint Mechanism.

Anyone can report forced labor via the SAC office, state and division governments, Nay Pyi Daw Council, Myanmar National Human Rights Commission, ILO Communications Office (Yangon) and other organizations or can report to the Office No 51 Ministry of Labour, Nay Pyi Daw in person or hotline (067-3430184, 067-3430229) or E-mail address ,research  without needing to worry the reporter’s privacy and information.

Although this was announced by the Ministry, workers in factories and other industries are forced to work overtime all night long in practice and adult men are also being pressured and threatened to serve in the military in all provinces and territories.

“The program is never active since then, it would be more difficult for now. The program will be succeeded only if the people use and rely but for now no one did. Force labor cover the all-night overtimes. The ministry themselves does not tighten the rules so the chief officers are also involving in the rules violations. They shouldn’t urge anyone to complaint if they don’t take action. ILO did nothing. But the ministry want to show that they are working but no workers are interest and rely them,” said a labor activist.

According to the workers, they are rejected, intimidated by the departments and dismiss from the work when they report the labor right violations to the relevant labor office after 3 years of the coup.

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