Pro Cap factory intimidate the workers every month to sign salary receipt that covers only wages for 30 days


By Min Ni Kyaw - Aug 21, 2024 

It is said that Pro Cap (D4) cap factory forcing the workers every month to sign salary receipt that covers only wages for 30 days. The factory intimidates that the workers who refuse to sign will be demoted to day laborers.

“The HR department forced the workers to sign. They said they will only pay for 30 days weather there is 29 or 30 or 31 days in a month. The HR manager intimidates that the workers who refuse to sign will be demoted to day laborers,” they said.

The Ministry instructed to raise the workers’ 8 hour wages by 1,000 so that workers would receive 6,800 kyats per day. Pro Cap factory said that workers who sign will be paid 15,000 kyats.

“The factory is intimidating continuously. The veteran workers are also intimidate that their services will be nullified. The veteran workers signed due to concerns upon their 5 years + services. They said that workers who sign will be paid 15,000 kyats but not yet paid until now,” a worker stated.

It is also said that workers can’t complain the factory’s violations as one worker who did to the labor office was dismissed by the employer.

“The HR department force us to sign by intimidating our job stability. Workers sign as they afraid to be demoted to day laborer or nullified their services,” a worker said.

The factory was inspected for violations upon the pregnant workers. Workers are not allowed to take medical leaves so the pregnant workers had to use their service leaves to visit the hospitals and clinics, according to the worker who experienced.

“They give some leaves such as service leave but it is labeled as absent. We are cut for daily wages and attendance bonus for the day we visit the clinic with social security card,” they said.

The working hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and the workers are working continuously until 7:00 p.m. since 12:30 p.m. without a break.

“We work continuously since after the lunch. We don’t have break time and not provided food. We work until 7:00 a.m.,” workers explained.

The OTTO cap brand is headquartered in USA and manufacturing in China, Singapore, Myanmar and other countries. D$ Pro Cap factory is owned by a Chinese national and locates at Mya Yadanar Street, Mya Sein Yaung Industrial Zone, Hlaing Thar Yar Township, Yangon. Workers said that there are more than 350 workforce in the factory and there is only workplace coordination committee but no trade union in the factory.

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