Myanmar Arr Thit Man Automobile factory workers demanded for pay raise and forced to sign that they support the Junta


By Min Ni Kyaw - Aug 30, 2024

I am from Myanmar Arr Thit Man Motor Co.,Ltd at Thar Du Kan Industrial Zone. The HR department said that only those who get paid 4,800 kyats are entitled to ministry’s pay raise but those who get more aren’t.

The leaders get pay raise. The leaders I mean is 3 representatives of the Workplace Coordination Committee.

But they don’t stand and support the other workers who are asking the same as they already get paid raise. It is HR assistant Ko Myat Thu who is suppressing the workers.

 All workers except 5 leaders protested today (August 30) for pay raise and we don’t get provided dinner for that.

They said “Those who can work tomorrow can work and those who can’t resign.” Workers don’t know what to do and we want to get help.

Workers asked for 60,000 kyats pay raise. This is because the cuts and detections are about 4 or 5 times of the salary in our factory. There can be incidents due to being a car motor factory and we have to give compensation according to the market price if some parts are damaged.

It is difficult for us to survive with the basic wages due to raising commodity prices. We want to get paid the same as others. Many stuffs are also afraid of losing the job due to lack of employment and rose of prices.

The workers’ leaders only care for their benefit. They don’t provide dinner even though it is prepared as we protested.

The leaders are intimidating. They said new workers are easy to hire if there are leaders and forcing us to accept the current wages.

We want negotiations. But for now they are saying that only those who get paid 4,800 kyats are entitled to the pay raise and the others are not with a copy of the announcement. They also said that we can report to anywhere. 

They said they will pay 6,800 kyats daily wages if we want to get paid more but the other wages will not be paid. And said that we can resign if we don’t like. It is suppressing us by taking advantage of the political crisis.

They forced us to sign that we object the wars and support the military in last week. It is said that no workers sign so the leaders sign themselves. But I am not sure the other thing except the workers don’t sign.

We request to help us as much as you could.

#NOTE Myanmar Arr Thit Man Motor Co.,Ltd also own Kyant Na Kaung (Two Rhinos) cement factory and the motor factory is manufacturing Changan cars. Workers said that they are also Chinese stuffs in the factory and the factory is co-owned by Myanmar and Chinese national. There are around 100 workers working in the factory and it is located at Kyauk Sein Street, Thar Du Kan Industrial Zone, Shwe Pyi Thar Township

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