Minimum wage in Myanmar's neighboring and regional countries are being raised


By Min Ni Kyaw - Jul 05, 2024

Vietnamese authorities have announced that they will increase the minimum wage for workers. VN Express reported on July 1 that these increases started on July 1 and will increase the minimum wage by 6 percent.

Deputy Prime Minister Pham Binh Minh signed for wage increase on June 12, according to Vietnamese media. The minimum wage was raised in July for the second time in four years. Vietnam's minimum wage was last raised in 2022.

It can be assumed that this increase will balance the interests between workers and businesses.

Myanmar Industry Guide quoted the Vietnamese media as saying that according to the wage increase program, a worker will receive an increase of up to $11 per month, and a worker will receive an income of around $150 to over $200 per month.

Thailand and Bangladesh have also increased minimum wages in 2023. Demands for a minimum wage have led to the death of some protesters in Bangladesh After this, the minimum wage was increased to more than 56 percent, and the government guaranteed a 5 percent increase every year.

Since the minimum wage of 4,800 kyats in Myanmar was increased in 2018, it has not been increased for 6 years. At the end of 2023, factories and businesses were notified to give a subsidy of one thousand kyat, but there are still factories that do not pay the minimum wage.

Photo - VN Express

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