Letter from Myanmar Best Fortune garment factory workers


By Editor -  Jun 12, 2024

Myanmar Best Fortune garment factory is a Chinese national owned factory which located at No (4) Main Road, Shwe Pyi Thar Industrial Zone. The factory is operating with around 1,000 workers and calling overtime until 10  11:00 pm. Workers don’t get full legal rights. 

The normal overtime is until 8:00 pm and the overtime until 10 11:00 pm are called without being asked for our consents. The wages for hours later than 7:00 pm is paid separately and not given particularly. Therefore, we want the factory to set a overtime fees and dates we worked for.

Workers who worked until 8 10 11:00 pm are given 500 kyats allowance but have to work without a break time. Around 300 workers are called overtime per night.

Those who go back at 10:00 pm are provided transportation but there are inconveniences for the workers for going back late to home. Workers who work until 11:30 have to sleep at the factory. Although they are given 1,000 kyats allowance, they don’t sleep comfortably and sufficiently. The supervisors discriminate and intimidated that their expert fees will be cut when the workers complain they don’t want to work overtime due to tiredness.

The factory is operating with around 1,500 workers and the workforce was reduced when they dismiss many workers in October 2023 without valid reason.

The factory was manufacturing AMISU, CRAFT, CLIQUE, Springfield and LC WAIKIKI CLASSIC brands at the time. The brands and relevant officials from the labor office didn’t resolve the dismissal issue. The factory is also operating currently by ignoring the workers’ rights.

Employment contract between employer and employee is signed but it is not handed to the worker. 

Workplace coordination committee is chosen only by the factory’s officials and the workers just had to signed agreement on that. The WCC can’t address our problems.

The wo

rkers don’t know clearly about the rights as the factory officials didn’t explain about the rights and rules of the EC contract. So, most workers are labeled as absent and only those who take social security leaves are allowed to take legal leaves.

The factory unlike other factories doesn’t give the daily wages of the social security leave day so the workers have to go pick it up at the social security office which cause inconveniences. 

There is usually no medicines in the medic-clinic. The nurse is usually rotating around the factory.

There are water fountain curtains in the factory but workers have to bring small fans as it doesn’t make the whole factory cool. The drinking water is provided by the bottles which kept at hot temperature and the workers are drinking hot water in the high temperature.

Workers have difficulties to use the toilets as there are securities monitoring and report to the HR. Those who took long are scolded with microphone asked the line number and reported to the office. Workers can’t even use the toilets freely.

The HR department confiscate the workers’ mobile phones during the working hours and violated the privacy by inspecting the unlock phones. We want the manufacturing brands and officials from labor office to help the workers get their legal rights regarding the issues.

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