Garment workers of Maiyi Bei (Yangon) demand that they wanted to be provide benefits, social security and workplace safety


The workers of MaiyiBei (Yangon) Garment Factory have requested to provide them the payment of social security allowance, which is a legal benefit, and safety for workplace.

 The worker said that even though he is entitled to take casual leave under the law on leave and working days off, he is not allowed to do so in the workplace, so if he takes a day off, he will be deducted the daily wages of 5,600 kyats and the allowance of 1,000 kyats.

 “Casual leave is a leave that workers have the right to enjoy. But we don’t get it. We also don’t get medical leave if we sick too. They deducted daily wages and stipend of 1,000 kyats. They give 1,000 kyats as a stipend instead of attendance bonus. But that is deducted if we miss a day. And if we resign for any reason, they also exploit by paying the daily wages only 4,800 instead of 5,600 kyats.”, said by an anonymous labour.

In addition, there is no EC contract that must be signed by employers and workers, and there is no social security payment in the workplace with more than 500 workers, and there are no benefits, so the workers said that they would like to see benefits measures implemented. 

There is no EC contract between the employer and the employee, and the employer does not collect the social security fee. As we don’t pay, we can’t go to a social security clinic for health issues. It’s bad for us.”, said by a labour. 

The factory located in Hlaingthary Shwe Linvan Industrial Zone, Yangon Region, is owned by a Chinese national, Sinsay, easy, P&VV, H-ESSENTIAL and other brand coats are said to be sewn. 

The workers said that there was no provision for good ventilation or clean air in the workplace, and no safety measures were implemented.

In the workplace, the workers are being asked for an unattainable standard, asking for an increase every day, if the standard is not met, forcing them to work overtime for free without paying them, swearing, threatening them, telling them they will give them a bonus, lying without actually giving them, and exploiting them in all kinds of ways, the workers said. 

The labours also said that there is no trade union organized in the workplace and no workplace coordination committee (WCC) has been established. 

According to the labours, they want to appeal to allow them to enjoy the holidays they are entitled to by law, to allow to contribute to social security, to ensure safety in the workplace, and to stop forcing to work overtime for free if they do not meet the standards.

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