Forcing overtime without the workers’ consents


By Nay Chi - Aug 17, 2024

According to the workers from DONGLONG (Pathein) garment factory which located at No.13 ward, Pathein, Ayeyarwady Region, the factory is forcing them to work overtime and they are not getting legal leaves and benefits.

“The factory call overtime until 9:00 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. We are scolded if we don’t sign on overtime form. We get a break from 6:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. We get paid 1,450 kyats per hour for working from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and a subsidy of 1.000 kyats. So, we get paid 4,625 kyats but we have to go back on our own plan. The taxi cost around 6,000 kyats. They provide transportation only until 6:00 p.m. We are verbally abused if we don’t work overtime while the political situation is unstable and there is no rule of law. There were cases of workers robbed and murdered on the way back home after working overtime until 9:00 p.m. but the factory concealed the news,” said a worker who don’t want to be named.

It is also said that they are called overtime on Sunday once per two weeks in addition to the weekly overtime and workers don’t get day offs. The attendance bonuses are cut if they refuse to work overtime.

“We are scolded if we take a leave. Some workers don’t know about the labor laws but those who know also don’t get the leaves. We don’t get a gate pass for health issues although we came to work while being sick due to not getting leave. The supervisors and leaders are verbally abusing us all days. Some don’t even call our names but instead morally downgrade us. Some workers were physically assaulted by the supervisors and leaders. The factory cut the workers for quality failed fabrics and confiscated their phones if the workers can’t finish the fabric output demands. We don’t even have time to rest. And the female security stuffs are also yelling all the time,” said a worker from the factory.

The factory is owned by a Chinese national and manufacturing Muji, Golf and SEM/R brands apparels with more than 2,000 workers and the sub-factory, KUMUDRA (Pathein) situates next to it.

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