Dismissed trade union leader of Chu Yang (Myanmar) factory reappointed after negotiations reached settlement


By Yoon Sat - Aug 21, 2024

The trade union leader of Chu Yang (Myanmar) factory which located at Wun Saung Mhu Street, War Ta Yar Industrial Zone, Shwe Pyi Thar was reappointedafter negotiations about the dismissal reached settlement.

“The president of the trade union of Chu Yang Myanmar who was dismissed on August 2, 2024 reinstated,” said the activist who is helping the case.

The case was reported to the relevant department, the manufacturing brands and the Otto group and the mutual negotiations between the employer and the employee was held three times on August 6th, 8th and 20th and reached settlement finally.

The resettlement contract have 5 points which cover to reappoint the worker with their former position, salary and service length, to pay the daily wages for the period of negotiating (from August 2, 2024 to August 20, 2024), both the employer and the employee to follow the employment contract, the employer to not treat the worker who reported with malice and to work as usual starting on August 21, 2024.

The workers of the factory submit for the formation of trade union legally and the deputy chief officer of the department of labor visited the factory and call the members of the trade union to the HR office and inspect the workers including the manager, yell and the two interpreters of the factory took video records and the executive committee of the trade union was also called to come to the township office of the department of labor on August 1, 2024.

While the members of the executive committee were in the office, the manager and the GM intimidate the workers by calling them one by one and saying that they don’t understand the laws and they will be blacklisted and not be able to work at any factory.

Regarding the dismissal of the trade union’s leader, a complaint mechanism has been set up to Otto group, and since it is a complaint mechanism that cannot be reached by the workers as they have to access through a website link, STUM had done it instead.

Chu Yang (Myanmar) Garment Factory is a Chinese national-owned CMP system factory with a 100% foreign investment and invested 2.136 million US dollars on March 9, 2020. It has European Flax certification and manufacturing Linen fabrics and is the largest EU brand manufacturing factory.

The main brands manufactured by the factory are Rainbow, Bodyflirt and bpc Selection Brands. These brands are sub-brands of Bonprix Brand based in Hamburg, Germany.

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