By Min Ni Kyaw - Feb 10, 2025
Dishang Kenny (Myanmar) Garment Co. Ltd is a Chinese national-owned factory located on Min Gyi Maha Min Khaung Road, Shwe Than Lwin Industrial Zone, Hlaing Thar Yar Township. The factory employs around 800 workers and manufacture garments for brands such as PIAZZAITALIA, Defacto, and Yamamay.
Factory management forces workers to meet unreasonable daily production targets. Supervisors and production line leaders shout at workers, verbally abuse them, and pressure them when they fail to meet these targets. Workers are forced to do overtime until 11:00 PM continuously for multiple days if targets are not met. The management forces workers to sign papers stating they voluntarily agree to work overtime. Workers are required to work even on government-designated public holidays. Work begins as early as 7:15 AM every morning.
Chinese nationals directly manage the workers on the factory floor. Even before official working hours, they scold workers, questioning why they have not yet started their work. They are given warning letters if workers respond.
A Chinese QC (Quality Control) specialist harasses young female workers, touching them inappropriately in the Finishing Department. This person has a bad reputation and uses aggressive and rude language, acting with impunity.
Although there is a Myanmar manager in the factory, they do not provide protection or support for the workers.
The factory hires daily wage workers only when there are works. However, they are fired without any compensation or job security after finishing those works.
Management instructs workers in advance on what to say and makes them provide misleading information when factory inspections occur.
Workers in this factory endure extreme hardships just to make a living. We are experiencing mental distress. We need support and assistance.