500 workers were forced to flee when inspectors arrived during overtime


By Yoon Sat - Aug 28, 2024

It is said that the officials of the GYSEN Myanmar Apparel garment factory at War Ta Yar Industrial Zone, Shwe Pyi Thar Township force 500 workers to flee when the inspectors visit the factory for illegal overtime recruitment.

“They told the workers to hide and flee,” said a person close to the workers.

GYSEN factory was reported on August 25, 2024 (Sunday) for illegal overtime recruitment. The workers were forced to hide inside the GYSEN 3 garage by the HR stuffs and supervisors when the relevant chief officers came to inspect the factory at 1:30 p.m. Some workers who had to flee and hide injured during the incident.

The workers were called back to work at around 2:00 p.m. when the inspectors went back.

GYSEN Myanmar garment factory started to operate 4 years ago with 700 workforce at Wartayar Industrial Zone, Shwe Pyi Thar Township and the factory illegally dismiss 50 workers including the trade union members with the intention to crackdown the union which was formed legally.

The workers reported to the Department of Labour for the illegal dismiss after the employer hire day laborers to replace the dismissed workers which shows that the factory is not having order shortage but the employer intend to crackdown the union but no actions are taken until now.

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